Evan Morrison
Historical Preservationist
I serve on staff for special maintenance, historical preservation, as well as artifact & equipment curation throughout the mill campus. I serve as a staff member for the mill for the aforementioned as well as special projects, but am also actively involved in the textile and apparel manufacturing industries, a direct linkage to the historically rich past of this mill, which was once the largest cotton flannel and corduroy mill in the world, sparking my personal interest in exhibiting equipment and artifacts all throughout the hallways to help tell the story of both the past, as well as the present, as the mill is home to some of the largest apparel brands in the world today, yet and still.
When Herman Cone Jr. was the superintendent of Revolution Cotton Mill in the middle of the 20th century, he knew every employee by first name, and often many details about their life outside their role at the mill. Placing people as the first and most important element of business is key to success, and taking the time to get to know the 1,000+ employees was quite a feat, both for a test of memory, as well as a testament to the role of the Cone family in their mill village, as eximplary servant leaders.
Revolution Mill is a small town in itself; there are so many places to explore, people to meet and stories to learn. There has never been a day since stepping foot on campus for the first time in 2012 that I haven't discovered something new that continues to impress me. Just today I noticed in the 1250 hallway that there are metal badges nailed to large wooden structural uprights denoting renovation work in the Carding Room from 1948. See if you can find them!
In a day and age where they say most people don't know their neighbors, the culture on campus encourages a family atmosphere, where hallway greetings are a sense of normalcy, and friends can be made from all walks of life. This place has so many people from different walks of life within its walls, and it is a beautiful place that allows for you to focus while at work, but also the opportunity to get lost and enjoy the unrivaled scale of the renovated buildings and surrounding grounds.